A Hydraulic Model for Identification of Surface Friction Coefficient for Euphrates River within Al Muthanna Governorate, Iraq


Volume 6, Issue 2, December 2018, Pages 160-168
Research Article:

Hussein M. Ashour Al. Khuzaiea, Ameera Mohamad Awada

Mohammed Fadhil Abbasa

aDepartment of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering,

Al Muthanna University, Iraq


E-mail addresses: hma@mu.edu.iq




This study presents results of a developed hydraulic model to the surface friction roughness (Manning’s coefficient) for the Euphrates River along 110 km within Al Muthanna Governorate, Iraq. Hydraulic modeling was used a tool for determination of surface friction coefficient. A typical value of surface friction roughness for open natural channels ranges between 0.025 to 0.04 was used as an initial input data for HEC-RAS hydraulic model. while in this study the calculated value of the surface roughness was compared with those observed and it was found to be in best agreement with the modeled when using value is 0.04.



Euphrates River, HEC-RAS model, Manning’s coefficient, Steady flow.


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