If you have motivation to join our journal as an editor, this can be done through a direct invitation from the publisher. However, it requires to present your expertise in a specific discipline to us, particularly when Publishers intend to publish a new journal. Also, you can join us as an editor by submitting Membership Form, which is entirely free to be evaluated by our panel.
Minimum Criteria required for an Editor position
These would be as followed:
- Candidate should have a Ph.D. degree.
- Rich experience in the specialist discipline related to the journal.
- Valuable publications of articles and /or books usually related to the specialist field).
- Being a reviewer for an international peer-reviewed journal.
- Interest and enthusiasm to conduct the Editor role with ensuring recognition of all the work involved.
key role and responsibility of the journal Editor
The main role of a journal editor is to enhance scholarship in the specialist discipline involved in the journal in addition to promote the journal as the best place to publish in. For any journal, the editor needs to encourage all authors to submit articles and provide a dependable panel of professional reviewers. Besides, editors are in charge of providing feedbacks to reviewers if required keeping that such feedbacks is constructive.
Regarding the responsibilities:
- An editor should attempt to be a leader in the specific field of practice ensuring journal content. This will help the development of the journal and make it standing within the international community.
- An editor should also be familiar with the Committee on Publication Ethics Guidelines for Journal Editors’. It provides the resource on the topic of ethical conduct of journal editors, authors and reviewers.
- Based on the way that the journal is managed, an Editor may have to make the decisions related to accepting or rejecting articles for publication. Hence, different journals have Associate Editors, Assistant Editors or Section Editors to assist with making such important decisions. For instance, a decision including unethical practice, have usually involved the publisher or their representative alongside the Editor and a Section Editor who has identified the issue.
- An editor will have different groups of people to contact on a regular basis, i.e. the publisher, the authors, the reviewers in addition to direct contact with the team who manage the publication side of the journal. The latter group can discuss with the editor to confirm which articles to place in each edition, ensuring that the Editor has not use more than the decided number of pages per issue (particularly if paper based ) and send editor information regarding all articles in their numerous steps of the editorial process. The aforementioned team, which usually called the Production team, dedicated to that Editor may also be in charge of contacting authors and reviewers straight.
Editorial Board
An Editorial Board is mainly consisted of a team that work directly with the Editor to improve the journal and promote new initiatives. Members involved in the Board may also take responsibility for main activities related to the journal, for instance the Book review editor or Section Editor. Moreover, the Editorial Board typically appoints a Chairperson, who could be one of the board members or could also be the Publisher. In either face to face, teleconferences or Skype meeting, the Chairperson can manage the program and the meeting of the Editorial Board. Members of Editorial Board can be selected based on their expertise in key areas related to the journal or for their international scientific reputation in the field. Besides, expert long standing reviewers can also be enquired to join the Editorial Board. They are usually from the same expert discipline of the journal topic. Based on the roles and responsibilities adopted by the publisher, the Editor normally can report directly to the Editorial Board. It should be also mentioned that the Editorial Board of a journal normally undergoes a complete renewal after a set period decided by the Editor and Publisher (three years is an average time). This can be achieved by removing or inviting some individuals and renewing some current members for another purpose. When inviting a Board member It should be considered that this issue of term of office is involved in the invitation letter to avoid any confusions that can arise.