
Ethics topics to consider when publishing:

A double blind is a necessary step in the development of a respected network of knowledge. It reflects the quality of author effort and the institutions that support them. Articles are essential to comply with standards of expected ethical performance. The following ethics topics should be considered when publishing:

  • Authorship of the Article(s): Authorship should be limited to authors have made a significant contribution to the conception, plan, implementation, or interpretation of the reported study.
  • Originality and Plagiarism: The authors need to ensure that the work submitted is original, and in the case of using the work and/or words of others, they should be appropriately cited or even quoted.
  • Data Access and Retention: Authors may be asked to deliver any data related to the paper for editorial review. Hence, authors should prepare to provide public access to such data.
  • Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication: Authors should not publish articles describing essentially similar research in more than one journal or primary publication. Journals do not see the following usages of a work as previous publication: publication in the form of an abstract; publication as an academic thesis; publication as an electronic pre-print. Information on previous publications is included within each publication and its journal Guide for Authors.
  • Acknowledgement of Sources: Appropriate acknowledgment is advised.
  • Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: All manuscripts submitted must contain disclosure of all relationships that could be counted as a likely conflict of interest.
  • Fundamental Errors in Published Works: If an author determines a significant mistake or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, the authors should show a commitment to immediately notify the journal editor or publisher to retract or correct the paper.
  • Reporting Standards: Authors of reports of original research should introduce a precise account of the work achieved as well as an objective discussion of its significance.
  • Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects: It is required to provide statements of compliance if the work includes chemicals, procedures or equipment that may produce unusual risks before, during or after their use, or if it contains the use of animal or human subjects.
  • Use of Patient Images or Case Details: Investigations on patients or volunteers need ethics committee confirmation and informed consent, which should be presented in the paper.