Behavior of I-section reinforced concrete deep beams strengthened with CFRP strips subjected to monotonic and cyclic load failing in shear

Muthanna Journal of Engineering and Technology

Volume (3), Issue (2), Year (30 December 2015), Pages (01-09)


Research Article By:

Riadh A. Abass and Mustafa Sh. Zewair

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This research is devoted to investigate the effect of CFRP strips on the behavior and load carrying capacity of strengthened I-section reinforced concrete deep beams. The experimental program variables include configurations of CFRP, spacing between CFRP and type of loading (monotonic or cyclic load) on the behavior of strengthened deep beams. The experimental test results confirm that the strengthening technique of CFRP system is applicable and can increase the shear capacity for strengthened of RC beams. In this study, the ultimate load capacity of the strengthened beams ranged between 18% to 38% under monotonic load and between 11% to 26% under cyclic load over the ultimate load capacity of the reference beam. For beams including CFRP changing the spacing of the strips from 50mm to 20mm, increased the strength of the beam by 17%. For beams subjected to cyclic load the mode failure is nearly the same as that of beams subjected to monotonic load and the cyclic loading produced somewhat less brittle behavior in beam under cyclic loading.

Keywords: CFRP, cyclic load, I-section, strengthened.

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