استخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية في إنشاء نموذج ارتفاع رقمي للكثبان الرملية


Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2013, Pages 14-21
DOI: 10.52113/3/mjet/2013-1-1/14-21
Research Article:

د. حسين منديل الخزاعي

أستاذ مساعد/ كلية الهندسة/جامعة المثنى

قاسم جبير سلمان

مدرس/ المعهد التقني في السماوة

E-mail addresses: halkhuzaie@yahoo.co.uk


In GIS, it is essential to use the areal and space images as data references for information, but it is necessary to create digital information using software such as SURFER 8 and ARC view.
These data can be furnished to create digital contour lines map in a rapid way rather than the conventional methods.
In this paper, GIS technique was used for producing 3 dimension contour maps for earth surface. This was called as Digital Elevation Model that can provide a view for spatial coordination for the location of these maps. The area was selected for this study is the sand dunes area at Al.Mamlaha (Samawa city district). The source of space images was Google Earth .

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