Peer Review Policy

Each article submitted to MJET must go through a peer review process which is accomplished via online system. The peer review process is double blinded, which means that the reviewers and authors of the article do not know each other and do not have access to the information of who the peer reviewers and authors are.

After the online submission of an article, the following peer review procedure should be achieved:

  1. Based on the subject and field of the submitted article, an appropriate editor will be appointed to handle the article.
  2. The article will be scanned and assessed by the editor. The article will be rejected at this stage if:
  • Lack of novelty or / and quality or similar work have been already published.
  • Have poor English language and grammars.
  • Does not comply with the journal scope.
  • Have high plagiarism and similarity score.
  • Incorrectness of its results.
  1. At least two reviewers will be assigned to complete the peer review process if the submitted article:
  • Fulfill all the journal requirements and falls within the journal scope.
  • Have satisfactory quality of work.
  1. 2-3 weeks will be given to the reviewers to complete the peer review process and send their advice and recommendations and the editor will take the right decision based on those recommendations according to the below table.
Reviewers Recommendation Editor action
1 Accept Publish
2 Consider after minor corrections Consider after minor corrections
3 Consider after major corrections Consider after major corrections
4 Reject Reject


  • “Publish” refer that the article is accepted for publication without any further modifications.
  • “Consider after minor corrections,” means that the author should amend the article in accordance with the reviewer’s recommendations within limited time. Once the revised article with the required changes is submitted and the editor is happy with them, the paper will be accepted for publication.
  • “Consider after major corrections,” Means that the authors. The authors are expected to revise their article in accordance with the recommendations of the reviewers and then submit their revised copy of the article. The revised article will be scanned and checked, and the editor can recommend the article for publication without correction, consider it for publication with minor corrections or rejected.
  • “Reject” the article, the rejection is immediate. Additionally, if two of the reviewers recommend rejecting the article, the rejection is immediate.