Symbolic investment of valuable prisons

Muthanna Journal of Engineering and Technology

Volume (5), Issue (3), Year (30 December 2017), Pages (77-86)


Research Article By:

أيمن عبد الحسين محمد جواد العبيدي و عباس علي حمزه ال كريزه

Corresponding author E-mail:


The value of prisons is characterized by the total meanings contained within, and the similarities between their walls as a result of certain events or actions that took place between them and which have their impact and their association with the memory of the community and formed an important part of their social identity, Although some of these buildings have many components historical, and heritage-related events in its spatial history, which are reliable development potentials to restore sustainable economic growth by perpetuating its and making it as guidance and informational documents for society. But it suffered from mismanagement, guidance and use by The competent authorities led to the result of these symbolic places atrophy and thus the loss of the privacy of her event. Hence the research problem, which was (the lack of knowledge available about the nature of the investment of the symbolic value of prisons in the commemoration of her memory, so as to ensure their interaction and community outreach) In order to achieve the research objective, which is to (create a comprehensive theoretical framework for the nature of commemorating the prisons by investing their symbolic value and achieving their interaction with the society that contains them). This requires the adoption of an analytical descriptive approach based on building a comprehensive theoretical framework, and then analyze results, To give the conclusions to explore the nature of the commemoration of prisons according to their symbolic data.

Keywords: The valuable prisons, commemoration, functional reformation, symbolic investment, community memory.

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