Guide for Author


  • Presenting instruction:

Three copies of each manuscript should be submitted in English language together with an abstract and title printed on one side of A4 paper with a software copy using Microsoft word and the author have to submit a commitment that the article should not previously published or had an approval of publishing in any scientific journal or conference proceedings. The author should mention his address, E- mail, and mobile number to facilitate communication with him .

  • Writing instruction:

Manuscript should be in English language with an abstract and title and the arrangement of manuscript contents should be as following:

  1. Manuscript title should be written centered using bold upper case 14point Times New Roman font with one blank lines left above and one left beneath.
  2. Name of authors , then address of their current position and all that should be in the middle of the paper using 12 Times New Roman font for names and 10 times new roman font for address .
  3. abstract should be about (100-215) words and in English language.
  4. All Tables used within the text should be numbered in sequence and all figures must have a clear and indicated titles , both title and number must be placed above the figure using bold 10 point Times New Roman font. one blank line should be used above and beneath table.
  5. All figures should be numbered according to the sequence to be mentioned in the manuscript and all figures must have a clear and indicated titles , both title and number must be placed below the figure using bold 10 point Times New Roman font. one blank line should be used above and beneath figure .Figures should be cantered in page and table size should not exceed page margins.
  6. All equation must be numbered according to the sequence to be mentioned in the manuscript. Equation numbers should be placed at the right end of the equation line between parentheses( Equation should be create using 10 point Symbols and Times New Roman font. one blank line should be used above and beneath equation.
  7. Reference to the literature should be numbered and subjected between two square brackets ] [ consecutively in the text in the order in which they are first mentioned , and listed at the end of the manuscript . examples of forms of references are given below,

Journal: author᾿ s surname , first letter of the author s name, first letter of the author᾿ s father name, year , ” article title” , year, place of publication ,vol. and number ,pages.

Books: author᾿ s surname , first letter of the author s name, first letter of the author᾿ s father name, year , ” book title” , year, edition , place of publication .

Thesis and dissertation : author᾿ s surname , first letter of the author᾿ s name, first letter of the author᾿ s father name, year , ” Thesis / dissertation title” , university , country.

  • Printing instruction:
  1. Columns Number: Two columns.
  2. Letter type : (Times New Roman) .
  3. Litter size :
  • Main title : 14 bold with capital letter.
  • Subtitle: 12 only first litter of each word is capital .
  • Author(s) name(s): 12 only first litter of each word is capital .
  • Text : 10 .
  • Figures and tables titles 10 bold .
  • Leave one row clear before and after each equation , table and figure.
  • Reviewing and publishing instruction
  1. All manuscripts are subjected to scientific review by expert reviewers.
  2. two copies of each manuscript should be submitted after making the required correction with a soft copy.
  • Publishing fees :

The author have to pay (100,000)ID inside Iraq & (100 US Dollars) for outside Iraq.

Send your Manuscript to the following e-mail addresses\\ :Web-mail

or visit our website for online submission and download our template\\

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Initial Template

Please, submit the copy right from as you can download by the following link after signing it in PDF along with your manuscript.
